Innovation & Sustainability

We are honored to host this paper written
by such important representatives of our civil society.

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Since the Bruntland Report, the idea of a sustainable development capable of satisfying the needs of today’s generations, without compro-mising those of tomorrow has become an imperative for every country’s agenda: bring the world onto the path to economic, social, environmental and institutional sustainability.

In line with this planetary commitment formalized with the adoption of the 2030 Agenda, the University of Rome Tor Vergata, at the end of November, approved its new mission and vision in favor of sustainable development. This choice represents a commitment with a significant cultural relevance that places it as a leader amongst Italian Universities (and not just) in supporting the realization of the 2030 Agenda.

“Tor Vergata’s” new mission and vision are fully coherent with the Report The Role of Science, Technology and Innovation Policies to Foster the Implementation of the Sustainable Development, recently prepared by a Group of International experts on behalf of the European Commission: Science, Technology and Innovation. Together with governance and a change in the mindset, these are fundamental ingredients of the transition of the current systems towards sustainability, promoting new more sustainable ways to satisfy human needs and make sure that citizens play a stronger role in designing their own future.

The Universities can and must be prime drivers of this transition. It is for this reason, alongside the traditional missions typical of Italian Universities (education, research and the third mission), that “Tor Vergata” intends to interpret the new paradigm at the level of education, research and its relations with the territory, also bearing in mind those points recently identified by the Italian Rectors as positive qualifying aspects of the Universities of the future, by spreading a sustainability culture and good practice in all its declinations.

(published on n. 19 Management Innovation Newsletter)