Private & Public Innovation Funding
Offering description
In innovation competition, fast access to funding channels both public and private play a decisive role. Since 2008, Management Innovation has gained an extensive expertise in accessing, managing, implementing and monitoring EU, State and Regional funded projects. We are able to offer companies (in particular small and medium-sized enterprises) and research institutions straightforward access to details on funding initiatives acting as partner and supporting in accessing public funded schemes for R&D.
Management Innovation has actively participated in EU R&D Framework Programmes 6 and 7, Regione Lazio R&D Funding, Ministry of Economic Development R&D Funding, Ministry of Instruction, Research and University R&D Funding.
Moreover using our network we are able to identify and propose private institution that are willing to invest on innovative business.
NAUTILUS Methodology steps
Client References
ENEA – ProGeo initiative regional funding
SoftLab – DiEM project state funding
RESINT – SEASENTINEL project state funding
Engineering – SENSORI project state funding
Tech-Tron & other– SUPERO project state funding
SoftLab– FOREST initiative European funding
Engineering – ENERGETIC project funding
SoftLab, InfoCert – NEMESYS project funding