THE Mission

Innovation - Word Cloud


The correct management of innovation is making
the right choices at the crossroads of success.


Management Innovation has a long and extensive international experience in the management of innovation processes that make it a strategic reference point for both large companies as well as Small and Medium Enterprises.

Management Innovation deals with that wide area ranging from applied research to the engineering and development of innovative products and services.

Innovation Consulting is the core business of Management Innovation. We have acquired over time a wide expertise in the formulation of strategic plans for the effective and efficient technology transfer of the products / services from research to the market.

Management Innovation has acquired extensive experience in the two types of support for companies:

  • Innovation Offering – how to adopt a strategic vision of innovation processes to reposition the portfolio of products / services

  • Business Strategy – how to organize the business strategy and be better aligned with the tumultuous changes in the market

These actions are based on the NAUTILUS© methodology, a flexible and modular guide for all the activities of Innovation Consulting entrusted to Management Innovation.