The Senior Partner

Emilio Sassone Corsi –
Senior Partner & CEO
Graduated with honors in Physics with Cybernetic specialization in Naples, has thirty years experience of management in ICT; during his career he has worked at the national and international levels.
His experiences range from technology management to the administration of companies and customers within the complex mainly banking, government and the European Commission. Sa immediate build relationships that facilitate the effectiveness of interaction with the customer and the acceptance of its authority.
In addition to the experiences of management of complex clients, he has a natural curiosity for new technologies and new business challenges. He has a natural technology visionary leadership that has allowed him to gain significant experience in the field of Research and Innovation in cooperation with research structures and Universities in the Italy and Europe implementing innovative projects in ICT, Energy, Environment, Construction.
The profile of Emilio Sassone Corsi on LinkedIn is visible here.


Angelo S. Aliquò –
Senior Partner
A degree “magna cum laude” in Electronic Engineering, Computer Science specialization at Politecnico of Milan and three months to master in “Computer Science” at Brunell University in London. After a brief stint as a designer of multiprocessor systems firmware enters as a junior analyst in Arthur Andersen (MIS company now known as Accenture) where he became a partner in 2003. He has worked on issues related to IT strategies and technological innovation with increasing responsibility within international. He has spent the last ten years as head of the technological market segment for the Oil & Gas and Utility especially in Eastern Europe (Czech Rep., Slovakia, Hungary) and the Middle East (UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait) where he contributed to the realization of large IT transformation projects and Outsourcing.
Initial studies has maintained a passion for electronics and programming then expanding its interests in financial trading systems, to cryptomonete (Bitcoin) and science fiction books.
The profile of Angelo S. Aliquò on LinkedIn is visible here.


Lucio Sassone Corsi –
Senior Partner
Studies in Electronic Engineering at the Politecnico of Naples. Experience of over 35 years in the ICT industry at large multinationals, but with the advantage of being “born” professionally in a small start-up result of the first spin-off of Italian history in 1978. He has always participated, launched and led to successful ambitious projects, large and that have changed the landscape of the market segments in which it operated, mainly Central Government, Telco Operator Utilities and energy. He always seasoned professional activities with passion for electronics, photography and music.
The profile of Lucio Sassone Corsi on LinkedIn is visible here.


Senior Partner
Graduated in Mathematics at Oxford, he then spent ten years in ICT in various companies (mainly IBM and Olivetti). He began his experience in the world of Research in 1989 in Trento, first at FBK (IRST) and then at Trento University, looking after European projects and the Industrial Liaison Office for some 17 years.   From 2006 to June 2015 he has been the director of Sapienza Innovazione, strongly pushing the importance of understanding and communicating with the SMEs in order to bring technological innovations to the market.  Following insights into the real difficulties of the companies, but also the enormous potential to regain competitiveness by learning the rules of a global market, he decided to dedicate his future to business coaching and consultancy, applying his extensive knowledge on the one hand of the world of research and on the other, of the European funding programs, and in particular Horizon 2020.  The confidence that what he can offer will bring success and satisfaction to his clients, is his underlying motivation.
The profile of  Stephen Trueman on LinkedIn is visible here.


Angelo Giuliana –
Senior Partner
A degree “magna cum laude” in Physics, specialization Plasma Physics in Naples and then post doc EURATOM at the Max Planck Institute in Garching (Germany). After a first period of activities in the field of research on thermonuclear fusion carried out in various European laboratories, he began his career in 1985 as SW designer in Italsiel (Finsiel), occupying positions of greater responsibility until he lands in Telesoft (Telecom) in 1991 where for 10 years was dealing with ICT systems in the field of telecommunications. Over the past 15 years, first as Atos and then as Engineering Ingegneria Informatica has dealt with issues relating to business development and technological innovation with increasing responsibility in the international arena. The past experiences have seen him before assuming the role of Sales Director EMEA and for international organizations (UN, FAO, IOC, WFM and EFSA), and then R & D Manager for EU H2020 projects in the area of Industry 4.0, eHealth, Energy, CyberSecurity & Privacy. Over the past two years he has coordinated two international projects on behalf of the EIT in the Digital accelerators startups and in the Open Cloud platforms to support the Future Internet (FIWARE) exploitation. He can be characterized as an innovator with proven and long experience in dealing with complex and geographically distributed projects, and with a strong skill in the field of R & D and development of innovative solutions, market explotation and market analysis, as well as in the international alliance & partnership.
The profile of Angelo Giuliana on LinkedIn is visible here.


Luigi Passariello –
Senior Partner
Laurea in Informatica presso l’Università di Pisa e vari corsi di specializzazione post-universitaria. Ha operato nella ricerca scientifica (CNR ed INGV) ed è stato Professore a contratto presso varie università italiane (Pisa Salerno, e Napoli). Attraverso le esperienze maturate in aziende multinazionali, leader nel settore ICT (INTEGRIS S.p.A., BULL Italia S.p.A., BULL SA, Eutelia S.p.A, Telematic Solutions AT S.p.A.,), ha ricoperto ruoli di crescente responsabilità fino a ricoprire posizioni dirigenziali apicali. Ha una solida esperienza di Business Generation e di utilizzo dei programmi di finanziamento alla Ricerca Industriale nazionale (PON, POR, FESR, PNRM PSR, ASI), ed internazionale (H2020, UE, EIT, Cooperazione internazionale e trasfrontaliera, ESA ed altri). E’ un fermo sostenitore dell’innovazione tecnologica come chiave di successo per le sfide del mercato globale. Ha conoscenza approfondita di Digital Transformation: Smart Cities IOT (Internet of Things), Soluzioni High Tech, Sicurezza, Big Data Management and analitycs, DSS (Decision Support Systems), e programmi di Ricerca&Sviluppo ed Innovazione Tecnologica. Ha operato e conosce a fondo le dinamiche dei seguenti mercati : Pubblica Amministrazione Industria, Telecomunicazioni, Difesa, Spazio Energy&Utilities. Logistica, Ambiente e Protezione Civile.
Il profilo di Luigi Passariello su LinkedIn è visibile qui.