It is 1956 when Isaac Asimov, in the novel The Last Question, narrates the evolution of the Multivac supercomputer until it merges with man; a tale of the future that today, at the dawn of a paradigm shift of knowledge in which the dynamics – and the consequences – of the relationship between biological intelligence and non-biological intelligence are all still to be understood, asks us whether what we see is the first sign of a new human race.

Understanding and managing the opportunities and criticalities of the great technological advancement of machine learning is a total demand across the domain of knowledge, that – by its very nature -cannot be relegated to a purely sectoral reflection field. This is the choice of FOD – Future Open Days that, on the theme, will bring the contribution of philosophers, scientists, researchers and industrial players with the aim of illustrating, in the language of dissemination, the state of the art in artificial intelligence and its declinations in everyday life and behavioral, relational and learning models.
