Innovate at the Age of the Coronavirus

We have lived difficult months at home, in smartworking, counting every day the infected and dead of this incredible pandemic.

We hope that these months remain only a bad memory and that they will never return. We are gradually awakening from this nightmare and we find ourselves in a devastated economy that will leave long and painful aftermath for us and future generations.

However, the enthusiasm did not fail and we are ready to start again with strength.

Investment Committee meeting at the age of COVID19

An extraordinary injection of economic resources will restart Europe and our Country more and better than before, with the hope of having learned something from this bad story and avoiding the same mistakes.

It is no coincidence that we are increasingly talking about Green Deal, Ecological Transformation, Innovation & Sustainability. These are the themes that have always characterized Management Innovation’s action plan which, through its subsidiaries, has managed, even in such a difficult period, to develop new proposals that try to give concrete help in the management of the covid-19 emergency.

In the following Newsletter, some of the main initiatives that have been undertaken by Galatea Bio Tech, Glass to Power, Bleb Technology and Sidereus Space Dynamics are presented, which allow these companies to position themselves in new and interesting development paths.

Soon, the transformation of Management Innovation, fully designed in recent months and presented in MAIN Newsletter n. 36, will be completed. The capital increase will take place next autumn so that the new year will start with the resources necessary to expand and strengthen the development strategy.

During the summer we will work hard to organize the dimensional jump that we have long planned and finally we will leave behind a really bad year!

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