New Management Innovation capital increase

The Shareholders’ Meeting of Management Innovation Srl was held on 18 September 2020. Here is the draft of the document prepared by the Notary Lorenzo Colizzi.

The aim of our company’s capital increase is to financially strengthen the company and to allow new important investments in innovative sectors of interest. Innovation and Sustainability are the concepts that best describe our activity of scouting for innovative technologies and investing in Seed capital in the most promising initiatives.

The capital increase has the following main features:

pre-money valuation of the company of 4M€, assessed with respect to the valuation of the individual shareholdings

– maximum capital increase: € 250,000.00 in nominal shares and share premium

– minimum ticket: 1.000,00€

– in order to be an “A” category member, to be able to take part in the Shareholders’ Meetings and be part of the Investment Committee, it is necessary to hold a minimum share of 1% of the company and therefore make an investment of at least € 40,000.00

– closure of capital increase: 15 December 2020

– right of option by current members until 25 October 2020

– Contributions can also be made immediately by new shareholders up to the maximum capital increase of € 250,000.00.

the IBAN of the company and the reason for the payment to be made:
IBAN: IT16 I051 0439 100C C018 0522 084 
Banca Popolare del Lazio, Filiale di Frascati (Roma)
Account in the name of Management Innovation Srl

Cause of payment: “subscription of the capital increase deliberated on 18 September 2020”.
It is necessary to send by email the bank accountant of the transfer to Emilio Sassone Corsi ( and to Dr.ssa Lulli ( with your personal data (name, surname, tax code, postal address, email address, telephone) so that the payment can be registered correctly.

The 50% tax detraction is in force and that, in the first weeks of next year, at the end of the capital increase, scheduled for 15 December 2020, certifications will be sent to all subscribing shareholders that can be used in the 2021 tax return for 2020.

A welcome to Pierluigi Sassi, today appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors (  A meeting of the Board of Directors will soon be held at which a highly prestigious Scientific Committee will be appointed.

The Management Innovation adventure continues with important new goals!

Your support in this adventure is essential!

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