Tankless Launch Vehicle

Over the past year, the feasibility studies carried out by Sidereus have led to numerous new ideas, from the Transorbital Expedition Vehicle, of which a prototype has also been created to the ELSE.

Among all, however, that of the Tankless Launch Vehicle or simply Tankless Rocket has led to the perfect combination of innovation, impact of technology and feasibility in the short term, so as to push the project to quickly become the company’s workhorse.

The basic concept is that of a launch vehicle “without tanks”, made with a technology under development that allows the conversion of the tanks themselves into fuel for the rocket. This allows for significantly smaller vehicles, based on green fuels, without the risk of explosion or falling debris and with test and production costs of three orders of magnitude lower than any current technology.

The first vehicle under development is a configuration just 3.5 m high but capable of sending 10 kg into orbit around the Earth within the next 3 years, tests are about to begin this summer.

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