How to become an effective Innovation Manager

Published in Management Innovation Newsletter n. 27

After the successful experience some months ago (see MAIN Newsletter n. 24) we have decided to extend the course proposed by Management Innovation, give it a wider scope and open it up to external participants to the University and industrial sponsors.

The course will start at the end of next February and will be considered an extra-activity of the Master of Science in Business Administration of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. It will consist of 12 theory-practical lessons (in english) each of four hours.  The course will be based on the methodo-logical framework NAUTILUS®, developed by MAIN over ten years of activities and today considered a methodological reference point adopted by many organisations and adopted by the University of Milano-Bicocca.

The contagious enthusiasm of Emilio and Stephen in describing hoe to manage innovation, their capacity for transferring their experiences to the participants, the involvement of company testimonials and the adoption of real Case Studies in which to develop the innovation projects, makes this course a unique occasion both for the Master students and for all of those who wish to acquire a real and practical competence.

Companies who are interested may sponsor the course and reserve places allowing their most brilliant employees to participate and develop unique competencies. Sponsorship contributions provide incentives for those who sign up before th end of this year.

Encouraged by Emilio and Stephen’s enthusiasm I have decided to participate actively as well!

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You can download the slides of course presentation at this link.

At this link you will find the page of the University of Rome Tor Vergata that announces the course.

To enroll in the course and apply for sponsorship please send an email to Dr. Claudia Lombardi at

Corrado Cerruti