At the end of Winter 2020, but also in the midst of a storm called “Coronavirus“, which worries us all, I would like to share the Management Innovation Newsletter No. 36. Being quarterly, this is the last of the Newsletters of the ninth year of the life of this simple newsletter, which, however, is read by more than 25,000 people around the world. In this issue we talk about the transformation that Management Innovation is undergoing, we present the new President of the company, Dr. Pierluigi Sassi, and we present the last of the companies to enter the MAIN Galaxy: Energain. In short, a number full of innovations that we hope to develop despite the many difficulties of this period. Here is the summary:
On the wings of sustainable development (Pierluigi Sassi)
A complete integration of Energy Systems by Energain (Alessio Iannascoli)
The Management Innovation transformation process (Emilio Sassone Corsi).