The Best of Sidereus Space Dynamics

Months of great progress for Sidereus Space Dynamics

Development of the EOS spacecraft, the launchers’ personal computer, is proceeding apace, following milestones achieved with the first prototype Caronte in 2021. 

Following the Seed round last October, a new experimental facility was opened, the team expanded, and the design phase of the flight version was completed. 

Mattia Barbarossa, Sidereus CEO & CTO, with the prototype of EOS

2022 ushered in the first fully in-house designed rocket engine experiments. The first ignitions yielded great results; over four new engines, first hydrogen and then kerosene, were successfully tested, achieving the hoped-for thrust and performance. 

The headquarters of Sidereus and the first rocket engine test site a few km away from Turin.

Not only propulsion, ahead of schedule experimentation on the structures was also started, making the first prototype of these. 

One of many rocket engine ignition tests

In October, the third and final area of development will also be launched, namely guidance avionics. With the very encouraging results already achieved and the advance accrued, it was then decided to proceed with the first launch to a few hundred meters by early 2023, with a first orbital flight planned for early 2024. 

Mattia Barbarossa
Founder, CEO & CTO of Sidereus Space Dynamics Srl

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